"Travel is fatal to bigotry, prejudice and narrow-mindedness. Broad, wholesome and charitable views cannot be acquired by vegetating in one tiny corner of the globe" -Mark Twain

Friday, October 26, 2007

A few pictures from October

A wild ride on Daechon Beach
Dan cleaning house

The Daejeon Hot Air Balloon Festival

Thanksgiving Dinner at Erin's place

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What we did in Korea...

  • Adopted a cocker spaniel/teddy bear mix named Sundae
  • Bought a '97 Kia Aveila, a well-loved standard with some serious key designs on the sides (which Libby is learning how to drive, courtesy of teacher Dan)
  • Coated ourselves & Soonday in mud (and loved it!) at the Daecheon Beach Mud Festival
  • Developed a serious kimbap addiction (Libby)
  • Discovered "hohta", a delicious syrup-filled pancake sold on the street
  • Enjoyed the changing colours at Gyeryongsan National Park
  • Explored a few of the sights of Seoul
  • Explored King Muryeong's Tomb in Gongju
  • Had a fabulous multi-national Christmas Eve party
  • Imbibed numerous potent long-island iced teas at Daejeon's "Lucky Strike" bar
  • Learned how to direct a Taxi in Korean
  • Learned how to read Korean...mostly
  • Ran a 10-k race (Dan), and training for more
  • Taking a pottery class (Libby)
  • Tasted deep-fried ginseng (not recommended)!
  • Visited Tim in Pohang, and ate dinner with a Japanese monk in Gyeongju
  • Watched a Daejeon Citizen's Football match
  • Went dancing at "Bubi Bubi" a slightly less sleazy Korean version of Halifax's Palace
  • Went skating and ruled the rink
  • Went swimming at Daechon Beach (while all the Koreans wore winter clothes)

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