"Travel is fatal to bigotry, prejudice and narrow-mindedness. Broad, wholesome and charitable views cannot be acquired by vegetating in one tiny corner of the globe" -Mark Twain

Sunday, December 30, 2007

So I had abandoned the blog for a while...but I'm picking it up again!
Dan and I continue to have a great time here in Korea. We're getting much more comfortable with the place and have met some really cool people lately. Daejeon is a great city, relatively quiet, and the pulse of lively Seoul - and its super crowded subway system- are only a short KTX ride away. Yesterday I had a great day trip to Seoul with a couple friends. We visited the War Memorial Museum (fantastic, a little exhausting), went shopping in fabulous, artsy Insadong and filled up on all the 'foreign food' we could find: tortilla soup and quesadillas for lunch, an Indian food buffet for dinner and Tim-Tams(Australian cookies) for dessert. We nearly jumped for joy when we arrived in Daejeon to find snow on the ground. We finally had our first real snow and it is beautiful...it feels like a proper winter now. It may be gone by the morning but I'm crossing my fingers for a blizzard one of these days!
Christmas in Korea was a lot of fun. We missed our families, but it was interesting to experience Christmas in a new place, and to spend it together for the first time. We were spoiled with cookies and enormous packages of gifts from home (I guess they missed us too)! We had a bunch of friends and strangers over for a Christmas Eve party (picture below). It was great to mingle and everyone seemed to enjoy the huge batch of eggnog and the makeshift Christmas decor (like our paper tree and Dan's 3-d snowflake - he taught all of his students to make them too)! In a way it feels like Christmas didn't really happen, but I think I'm okay with that.
So...we're looking forward to another eventful, interesting year. Dan and I are planning a short ski trip on the East Coast in late January (again, crossing my fingers for a blizzard)! I'm hoping to get to China on Lunar New Year in February and we'll continue to see as much of Korea as we can in our 'new'/well-loved car. Which has been great, by the way. The standard driving lessons are going well so far and hopefully I'll be able to drive with other cars on the road sometime soon...hahaha. Dan and I are looking forward to the big parental visit in May and I'm hoping to make a quick visit to Japan with Mom and Dad for a few days during that time.
Tomorrow we'll be having another little soiree for New Year's Eve and then out to downtown Daejeon to ring in 2008.
Happy New Year everyone!


Anonymous said...

So I finally got on your blog! It looks like you are both having an amazing time and experiencing some amazing things! Libby I definitley missed seeing you in TO this Christmas for your usual 2 day drop in, but I'm gald that I've gottent to hear from you! If only MAC would send me out there ;) Bye for now!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dan and Libby - I love the new photos - the kids look so cute and festive too! They must have enjoyed dressing up - don't we all!!

Love Gill/Mom

Anonymous said...

wow I am very happy to get your email and visit your blog
you seem to have ability to make your life better.
I like your enthusiasm
In thesedays, I am writing a report to get financial assistance for native again. I hope that I can work with u again
Also I want to see ur dog, Soondae.
It is quite witty ~~

Take care, and see u~
bye :)

What we did in Korea...

  • Adopted a cocker spaniel/teddy bear mix named Sundae
  • Bought a '97 Kia Aveila, a well-loved standard with some serious key designs on the sides (which Libby is learning how to drive, courtesy of teacher Dan)
  • Coated ourselves & Soonday in mud (and loved it!) at the Daecheon Beach Mud Festival
  • Developed a serious kimbap addiction (Libby)
  • Discovered "hohta", a delicious syrup-filled pancake sold on the street
  • Enjoyed the changing colours at Gyeryongsan National Park
  • Explored a few of the sights of Seoul
  • Explored King Muryeong's Tomb in Gongju
  • Had a fabulous multi-national Christmas Eve party
  • Imbibed numerous potent long-island iced teas at Daejeon's "Lucky Strike" bar
  • Learned how to direct a Taxi in Korean
  • Learned how to read Korean...mostly
  • Ran a 10-k race (Dan), and training for more
  • Taking a pottery class (Libby)
  • Tasted deep-fried ginseng (not recommended)!
  • Visited Tim in Pohang, and ate dinner with a Japanese monk in Gyeongju
  • Watched a Daejeon Citizen's Football match
  • Went dancing at "Bubi Bubi" a slightly less sleazy Korean version of Halifax's Palace
  • Went skating and ruled the rink
  • Went swimming at Daechon Beach (while all the Koreans wore winter clothes)

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